• We offer Free Shipping for all orders above $100. This offer applies to shipping within United States and ships on ground service.
  • We ship all products from New York by ground service unless specified at checkout.
  • We will begin processing your order no later than the next business morning. Most items are in-stock and ready to ship. In-stock items will ship within approximately 1 - 2 business days.
  • If your item is not in stock, we can provide additional information regarding estimated manufacturing and delivery times. If you place your order online and the item is on back order, in most cases, we will notify you via email you provided. If we do not hear back from you within 24 hours, we will try to reach you by phone.
  • Please keep in mind, while we strive to have inventory in stock for all items listed on our website, due to offline and large quantity orders there is a small possibility an item may temporarily sell out. All engraved orders ship out in 2-3 business days.
  • Expedited Shipping - We offer Overnight shipping and 2 day shipping on all order at an additional cost. You will see the option at checkout

  • International Shipments - We do ship internationally. A flat $49.99 shipping charge applies for all orders shipping outside of USA